Womens Fours Champoship Winners 2023/4
![Winners Woens Fours Championship 2023 Sue Peters, Lindsay Osborne ( S) Sue Stevens Lenor Kwok](https://www.raumatibowlingclub.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Womens-Fours-2023.jpg)
Women’s Triples Winners 20290 Sue McFarlane (S) Kathy Roe and Bev Lang
Winners of Triples 2024-2025 Audrey Stevenson, Rochele Stevenson and Michelle Macdonald
Our new members have been undergoing some very beneficial coaching under the guidance of Dennis Hawkings. One of the most popular parts of the programme has been a series of short fitness sessions from local instructor Steve Lawson. Such was the interest and feedback regarding this, that Steve has produced a video for us. Each…
This season’s Novice Singles produced some riveting games, with the final especially intriguing.
The team of Neal Pritchard, Reg Goston, Ben Warren and Kurt Burgess has done it again! They have become back to back Fours Club Champions
Congratulations to Lisa White on winning the Mixed Pairs title at the Summerset Nationals in Alexandra.. She won with Dean Gilshnan of Takaro.While also a member of Naenae, Lisa wore her Raumati BC cap in the televised final.