Prestigious Award for Lisa White

Club Activities: The most recent change in guidelines make us confident to announce the recommencement of the following club activities: The Winter Bowls Triples Galas will begin on Tuesday 9th June. These will be generously supported by Howard and Co. Realty. Ross Martin and his team have things under control and are confirming entries. If…
Womens Fours Championship winners 2024-25
Members testing the new Green 2 on a roll-up day
Congratulations to Lisa White on winning the Mixed Pairs title at the Summerset Nationals in Alexandra.. She won with Dean Gilshnan of Takaro.While also a member of Naenae, Lisa wore her Raumati BC cap in the televised final.
Winners: Ted Marshall & Bill Ward
Okay here’s a question: How many of you had a father who was a whaler?Answer: One, Les Roberts. That’s right, while Les was growing up first of all in Kaikoura and then Nelson, his father was among the last of New Zealand’s whalers. What’s also quite remarkable is that Les became a cowboy in Canada…