Gavin Muir
Gavin Muir
Gavin Muir has been our Treasurer for five years and hopefully he will continue to fill that role for a few more years.
Although he was an accountant throughout his working life, there was a period during which Gavin ‘broke out’. He was working for Unilever in Petone at the time. His office gave him a view overlooking the Shandon Golf course and he started to question the wisdom of his choice to work in an office.
He decided the place an advertisement which read something like “an accountant wishes to swap the office for country experience”. His wife, Sue, had no idea of what Gavin had done and was somewhat bemused when the responses started arriving. Both city lovers, Gavin and Sue eventually settled on a farm in the foothills of the Kaimai Ranges. There were plenty of shocks in store for the pair! Gavin was of course given all the ‘shitty’ jobs but he became fitter than ever and they both grew to enjoy the experience which ended when Gavin’s father died.
Back in Wellington he was employed by Mobil till his retirement.
Gavin played rugby for Hutt Old Boys, University, Hinuera and Hutt Old Boys Marist and didn’t stop playing till in his fifties.
He played bowls at Naenae before joining Raumati.
Sue is a regular at the Mahjong club and a keen quilter and with any luck she might be persuaded to play bowls! They have four children and 3 grandchildren- all of whom understand a computer better than Gavin!