Patron’s Gala Special

Sunday, 25 August 2024 – Games start at 10.30am

This event will be open to all members of the Raumati Bowling Club including Social members and all playing members.,  This is a ‘Special’ occasion to show members who are not full playing how enjoyable it is to play on a fun filled day,

The Club has a supply of bowls for those members who require them.  Please come along at 9 am to get a set of bowls and then have a small practice session before the event proper starts.  Senior members will be available to help all new players.

Games will start  at about 10.30 am and will be in the Progressive style.  You will play in a different team on each of three games. More experienced players will help you get started.  Do not be frightened to ask for help.

Lunch will be after the first game. Bring your own lunch.  Afternoon tea will be supplied after the third game.

Entry Fee will be $5 per player. All entry fee money  will be used for the prizes which will be divided into three pools.  One for the skips, another for the Threes and the final pool will be for the Leads.  You all have an opportunity to get a share of the prize money.

It is essential for all players to either put your names on the blackboard in the Club rooms or put your names on one of the  contact forms on the Raumati Bowling Club web site with the words Patron’s Gala in the message box.

While on that web pages go down to the lower section and use the videos to learn more about the game.  Particularly concentrate on Delivery and Draw shots which uses the NZ Bowls standard coaching procedures.


Draw Shots

If on the day it is raining or otherwise unsuitable for playing the alternative day will be Sunday 8 September,  Please look on the website for a cancellation message.

Alex Reid


Raumati Bowling Club

027 4252338

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