Fitness Videos for Bowlers

Our new members have been undergoing some very beneficial coaching under the guidance of Dennis Hawkings. One of the most popular parts of the programme has been a series of short fitness sessions from local instructor Steve Lawson. Such was the interest and feedback regarding this, that Steve has produced a video for us. Each…

Group Chritmas Event

Group Chritmas Event

Community groups, families and businesses have taken full advantage of the club’s facilities in the lead up to Christmas. The sound of laughter and the occasional “Ho Ho Ho” has resonated around the greens and in the clubrooms as people of all ages have played bowls, cooked on the BBQ and worked our bar volunteers…

Glyn Phillips – In Memorial

Glyn Phillips – In Memorial

Glyn Phillips – Popular Bowler “It is with deep sadness that I inform you that Glyn Phillips passed away late yesterday. Glyn was an extremely popular club member who achieved some outstanding results as a player. Until recently he still attended the Friday night socials. Glyn raised the club flag at the season’s opening in early…

Dorothy Franks – in Memorial

Club members, especially the older ones, are very sad to learn of the death of Dorothy Franks. She and her husband, Leicester, were vital members of the club from 1987. Dorothy won many club titles, including the singles three years in succession, and also represented the Kapiti Centre on numerous occasions from 1993- 2000. She…

Ted Marshall & Mike Harvey

Handicap Singles Result

In the singles it was a case of the determination and skill of experienced player Ted Marshall just giving him the edge over Mike Harvey. It was a thrilling match during which neither player could gain any ascendancy. There were just two points separating them at the end. Congratulations Ted.

Winners-Triples-Champs 2020

Men’s Championship Triples 2020

Men’s Triples were completed at the weekend with the winning Team being Neil Pritchard (S), Reg Goston and John McBeth. Club President John McBeth didn’t stop grinning for the rest of the day as it was his first club championship title. Skip Gil Lowry had produced some sensational bowls in the semi finals of the Men’s…