Our Greens

Both Greens Have Tiger Turf Surfaces

A View of Elliott Green

More About Our Greens

Barlow Green

Our No 1 green (Barlow Green)  is a TigerTurf artificial surface which is rated as one of the best artificial greens in our Centre. It has been favourably commented on by both our club and visiting players alike.

This green has been named after Bob and Noeline Barlow in recognition of their support over many tears

Elliott Green

Our No 2 Green (Elliott Green) is also a Tiger Turf artificial surface completely refurbished February 2020.  It has also been favourably commented on by club members and visitors.

This green has been named after Keith Elliott VC a former member of the Raumati South Bowling Club.  The VC Cup event is named in his honour.

Having two quality greens is a real asset for the club.